I would really love to get my hands on the DSLR cam asap. These pics are urging me to be quick on my planning. Just hoping a better saving's plan.. Great shots. And I love macro pics. Obviously you're using the marco lense right? Any other lenses you're using so far?
My name is Melanie I got this camera September 2008. Nikon D60 entry level shoot click DSLR. I got it for work to take better pictures but it has turned out to be an obsessive hobby.This is my first proper camera. This is the first time I cared if I took a good picture or any picture at all. New hobby New adventure Oh, and I wont be talking much. BONUS !
I would really love to get my hands on the DSLR cam asap. These pics are urging me to be quick on my planning. Just hoping a better saving's plan.. Great shots. And I love macro pics. Obviously you're using the marco lense right? Any other lenses you're using so far?